Welcome to my Portfolio

About Me

Hello! My name is Manzor Sarahi. I have been programming since 2011 and have experience in a wide range of languages and frameworks. I have earned a Bachelors in Computer Science from Ryerson University, where I have learned plenty of computer science fundamentals. Through all my experience, nothing has interested me more than game development. I am fascinated by everything from the rendering process, to gameplay programming, to the visual effects, which is I see the game development industry as my future.

Don't Disturb the Dead

My first ever game jam and the first full game I completed using Unreal Engine 4.

A Peek Through Time VR

A VR game created using Unreal Engine 4 for a game jam.

Rocket Delivery

My submission for a 48 hour game jam made themed "Out of Control" using Unreal Engine 4.

Crazy Climber

A simple mobile game published to the Google Play Store made using Unity.

Mass Reflect VR

My final project for my Virtual Reality course at Ryerson which I created using Unity.

Earlier Creations

A small collection of games I created in my earlier years of game development.

Open GL Projects

A collection of small projects created in OpenGL.


Various shaders and WebGL creations.

Technical Skills

Here is a collection of some software/tools that I believe my skills stand out in more than others.

Unreal Engine 4

With the skills I aquired through various tutorials on Udemy and Youtube, I have managed to complete a total of three projects in the engine. All three projects were created primarily using c++, where blueprints were used only where necessary. All three projects have been listed above.


I have worked on many projects using Unity, a few of which were listed above. I also worked as a Virtual Laboratory Application Developer at Ryerson University, for which Unity was used to develop.


Taking part in the Computer Graphics course at Ryerson allowed me to become fairly familiar with OpenGL. I have also done some experimenting with it in my free time.


I have used git in both the terminal and GUI during in previous places of employment. It has also been extremely helpful during my game jams.

Visual Studios

Visual Studios has a vast array of features that can help with development. It is all I have used for the past couple years so I am comfortable in making use of its many productivity features.

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop has been my go to program for all 2D art and textures when creating games/software.


Thanks to the skills I have picked up from tutorial on Udemy and Youtube, I have been able to create my own 3D assets for my creations.

Autodesk Maya/Autocad

Before learning blender, Maya was used to create my 3D assets. My work creating tools for Autocad has also made me very proficient in Autocad.


You can view my resume here