A Peek Through Time VR

This is my first virtual reality game made using Unreal Engine 4. The theme for the jam this game was submitted to was "Rewind". The rewinding of objects was very straightforward, which was my first of two "rewind" mechanics to be implemented. I had always wanted to learn how to create my own portal functionality in the engine, which I was able to fairly well. The catch was that getting portals to work in VR was a little more tricky. This was my second "rewind" mechanic. I was able to find some resources online which allowed me to get the portal working correctly. Another thing I really wanted to get right was the mechanics behind holding objects. Both getting the portal to work correctly and getting the holding of objects to work how I wanted used up most of my time. This didn't leave me with much time to design assets and levels. I was still more than happy with the result and will be using what I've learned from this project in future projects of mine.

The objective of this game is to navigate through a series of "test chambers" using the two rewind mechanics mentioned above.

Click here to view this game on itch.io

Click here to view this project on Github